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Tidal Shift

A moment of clarity changes everything.  It can completely alter the trajectory of one's life.  This is my story.  A shift in my universe occurred as I was modestly laying under an umbrella, on my vibrant Cynthia Rowley elephant beach towel. The ocean breeze was cooling my body at the same time the warm sun was beating down.   My ear buds were blasting Chill House radio on Pandora; this genre is like a mix between deep house and lounge music. They are sounds that make you want to close your eyes and lift your arms, as if you were at a chill rave with glow sticks.  

I can really feel the music and completely zone out. Anyway, I began pondering on life's purpose  especially after my parents took me to be “delivered” the week prior— my parents are old school Baptist and they believe in laying on of hands.  What you may think of as mental states, depression and anxiety, they think of as demonic spirits.  So, they "prayed" the demons out of me. Like an exorcism. I'll admit it; I felt better. I felt free.  So, maybe there is something to this praying thing.  

Since the beach is my particular place of serenity, it was easy for me to drift into deep thought.  What's really next for me? How do I maintain this tranquility that's bonding all my broken pieces together to make a whole me? It was so clear and  simple. I needed to continue molding my world around peace, calmness and God [or higher power or universe, whatever you believe in that gets you through the day]  in order for me to be my best me, mentally.  Okay.  Let's be real. It was vital for me to get to this place of  sanity, because Lord knows I was about to lose my religion dealing with all the clowns out here. Just saying. 

In a world full of chaos, self-made or not—one must find their place of peace. And I had.  Where/what is your place? It is now my intent to visit as many beaches as I can to preserve my sanity and become a better me.  I'm taking some time out to live in this journey and to create priceless memories. Each beach visit is meant to achieve a goal. Answer a question. Take my spiritual me to the next level until I truly feel whole again. This is the piece of me that needs nurturing. Balance is key because it's the road to self-awareness. It is time for me to surrender, to truly get to  know ME.  I'm extending an invitation to you to join me throughout this process.  I am excited to see where this journey takes us. 


1 comment :

  1. "In a world full of chaos, self-made or not—one must find their place of peace."
    I often use the term homeostasis. Dictionary definition - maintaining equilibrium in an ever-changing environment. Spiritually - inner peace amongst outer chaos.
    That, my dear friend, is true peace. When you can stay centered regardless of the uncontrollable externals seemingly working against you.

    The ocean helps <3
